Coventry Edwards-Pitt, CFA, CFP®, spoke with Financial Planning recently on the present and future of technology in advising. While new technology is utilized to improve security, portfolio management, and planning as the norm, she explained that at Ballentine, the core of our work is still done through meaningful conversations with clients face-to-face in meetings. The article also highlights the results of Financial Planning’s Tech Survey on the marriage of technology and wealth management.

“So much of planning is highly psychological, and technology is not going to help very much with that,” she said.

Read more at Financial Planning.


Coventry Edwards-Pitt, CFA, CFP®, is the Chief Wealth Advisory Officer at Ballentine Partners, a firm that specializes in providing investment and wealth management advice to wealthy families and entrepreneurs. She began her career at Goldman Sachs after graduating from Harvard University. Covie has been recognized as one of the “50 Most Influential Women in Private Wealth” (Private Asset Management 2016). Covie is also the author of Raised Healthy, Wealthy & Wise: Lessons from successful and grounded inheritors on how they got that way (2014).  Since its publication, Covie has spoken at over 70 events for wealth owning families and their advisors, sharing the book’s key messages about what works when raising children amid wealth. She lives in the Boston area with her husband and daughter. Learn more about Coventry Edwards-Pitt.