We are proud to continue our relationship with the CFP Board and strive to be a leader in diversifying our industry and wealth management advising space.

We have committed to funding a $100,000 scholarship – funded equally over 4 years beginning in 2021 – in partnership with the CFP Board’s Center for Financial Planning, to help support Black and LatinX CFP® candidates working to complete the education coursework required to earn their CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNERTM   credential.

In addition to the scholarship, we are proud to support The CFP® Board for Financial Planning 2023 Diversity Summit and Virtual Career Fair this week in Alexandria, Virginia.

This year’s Diversity Summit will delve into what it means to be inclusive, showcase best practices as well as challenges and opportunities. Our colleague @Debra Whitney will serve as a panelist on the topic of “Intersectionality & Inclusion: Strategies for Success.”

Learn more about The Ballentine Partners Scholarship to Create A Diverse Financial Planning Profession here.

Learn more about the 2023 Diversity Summit here.

Visit our career portal to view our open positions.