The second in the series, Aged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise, centers on how to design a vibrant later life and legacy.


There is much about aging that we can’t control. But there is much more that we can. Author Coventry Edwards-Pitt, CFA, CFP® applies the success-story format of her highly acclaimed first book, Raised Healthy, Wealthy & Wise (2014), to one of today’s most pressing issues: how to age well–given our increased longevity–and ensure that our later years have a positive rather than negative impact on our families.


Drawing on her many years of professional experience, Covie interviews vibrant elders and brings to life the daily choices they are making that allow them to live content, engaged, and purposeful later lives and design legacies of meaning.


The stories and research in Aged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise will inspire you to take the actions in your own life that will set you on a course not only to age well yourself, but also to help ensure that your family experiences your later years not as a burden but as a gift.