Coventry Edwards-Pitt, Ballentine Partners’ Chief Wealth Advisory Officer, blogs on, “Social Impact Investing: A Flash In The Pan Or The Wave Of The Future?”

Read the blog post.

One of the reasons our clients stick with us is that our investment approach works.  The strong investment performance we have achieved for our clients is the result of our independent research, anticipating events rather than reacting, being early, and being patient. Our seasoned investment team has a global perspective. Our size and reputation provide investment opportunities that other firms may not see, and our client network (many of whom are investment professionals themselves) provides us with on-the ground market intelligence and access to undiscovered investment opportunities. Our clients share a long-term, patient, and truly multigenerational approach to building and sustaining wealth.  They rely on us to challenge industry convention and to maintain a healthy skepticism toward the claims of an investment industry that all too often overpromises and under-delivers.

Learn more about Coventry Edwards-Pitt and our Investment Approach.