Engaged Healthy, Wealthy & Wise is the third book in the series and highlights stories of inheritors and their significant others who have successfully navigated love and family wealth to forge their own joint path. 


When a young inheritor announces that they have met “the one” – their chosen life partner whom they hope to marry – the wheels of the wealth advising industry whir into motion. Advisors recommend prenuptial agreements, wealth-owning families discuss how transparent to be about the family’s financial situation, and white papers offer best practices about how to “onboard” the new partner to the wealth-owning family’s cultural and financial ecosystem. But amid all of this, there is a young couple in love.


Author Coventry Edwards-Pitt, CFA, CFP® asks what it feels like to be this young couple: How does it feel when the possibility that defines this tender time of life runs smack into the formal frameworks inherent in most wealth management ecosystems? And how can a young couple make it through with their love, partnership, and faith in each other not only intact but stronger on the other side?


Engaged centers the perspective on these young people – who are seldom asked their views by an industry that is employed largely by their parents’ generation – and shows how they have navigated the journey of forging a strong union and fulfilling life path with their chosen partner amid the complexities of inherited family wealth.