Ballentine Partners’ Executive Chairman and Founder, Roy Ballentine, CLU, ChFC, CFP®, will present a keynote address at Bob Veres’ Insider’s Forum Conference on Thursday, September 7, 2017. The session entitled “The Twelve Most Important Things I Know About Practice Management,” will close the conference for the day. Roy will also be presenting a session entitled “Structuring Internal Equity Transitions – Pros & Cons of Various Approaches” on Wednesday, September 6.  Registration is open.

Bob Veres’ Insider’s Forum conference is the real-world extension of Inside Information, a master study group, provider of newsletters and articles as well as a general “curator” of information found throughout the financial advisory profession. Intended for experienced fiduciary financial advisory business professionals, the conference is designed to provide essential information for running and growing prosperous businesses and better serving clients, advanced technical content, as well as valuable opportunities for networking with industry thought leaders.  The conference programs consistently feature the highest caliber of established thought leaders in the profession, and we introduce trailblazing newcomers to conference attendees. Read more about the event here.

Roy is the Executive Chairman and Founder of the firm. Roy dedicates his time to thought leadership, strategic oversight of client engagements, and coaching and training our team members. Learn more about Roy Ballentine.

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