On September 19, Will Tickle, CFA, our Director of Impact Investing, will speak on “Impact Investing for Profit: Constructing Portfolios That Help the World and Your Bottom Line”.  As a featured panelist at Institutional Investor’s inaugural Wealth Management Impact Investing Forum, he will discuss how impact investing isn’t just for social good at the cost of return, but how such investments should fit within the larger asset allocation and make a comparable return.

The Wealth Management Impact Investing Forum is part of the 14th Annual Family Office Wealth Conference. The 14th Annual Institutional Investor Family Office Wealth Conference is a forum in which a variety of perspectives, ideas and viewpoints will be provided on these and other topics essential to affluent families’ overall success. Through a series of expert presentations and panel discussions, families-only working groups and idea labs, seasoned family office executives and family members will examine the issues likely to have the biggest impact on their wealth, their lifestyle, their wealth, and the legacy they are able to leave for future generations.

Will is a Partner, Senior Investment Advisor, and the Director of Impact Investing at the firm. He is responsible for market research and evaluating and monitoring public and private investment opportunities for the firm’s clients within his focus areas of real estate, timber and social impact investing. Learn more about Will Tickle.