Will Tickle, CFA, Ballentine Partners’ Director of Impact Investing, shared his thoughts on the current state of impact investing and the potential for its future in Toniic’s T100: Insights from Impact Advisors and Consultants 2017”.

Concern as well as support was expressed for the increasing number of large industry players entering the field. William Tickle of Ballentine Partners reflects that ‘increasingly, the lines between smart investing (efficient business models) and sustainable investing (efficient use of human capital and resources) are blurred.’ As a result, he concludes, impact investing will become more mainstream. And it is the mainstreaming potential that is raising questions about ‘green’ and ‘impact’ washing, and the concern that the ‘tent’ will get too big.” [Emphasis theirs.]  See the complete report here.

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Will is a Partner, Senior Investment Advisor, and the Director of Impact Investing at the firm. He is responsible for market research and evaluating and monitoring public and private investment opportunities for the firm’s clients within his focus areas of real estate, timber and social impact investing.  Learn more about Will Tickle.

Toniic is the global action community for impact investors.  They are family offices, individuals, and institutions, both industry leaders and newcomers, committed to investing in impact and sharing best practices with their peers.  Their vision is a global financial ecosystem which operates to create positive social and environmental impact.  Their mission is to empower impact investors.  Learn more about Toniic.