Prudent and Patient Portfolios
Whether we manage your full portfolio or a particular allocation, our approach integrates a long-term future-focused perspective. Our portfolio offerings strive to be a source of wealth enhancing returns, with a focus on tax alpha. Opportunities – and risks – can emerge quickly, but sometimes today’s “hot new thing” is tomorrow’s forgotten idea. Our team’s experience across markets, rate environments, and geographies helps us to know the difference.
Equities are managed with a goal of performance, persistency, and style consistency. We manage portfolios with a keen eye on taxes so that you get to keep the returns you generate.
Fixed income portfolios can be opportunistic to benefit from specific price/yield dislocations or broadly diversified to reduce rate and credit risks. Municipal bond allocations utilize separate accounts and state-specific allocations to fully realize tax benefits.
Private investments are an important source of long-term returns. We access world-class managers in private equity, private credit, real estate, and infrastructure.