On April 28, 2016, we hosted a thought-provoking discussion at The Ritz-Carlton Boston Common featuring a panel of experts discussing big data and the sharing economy which has brought about a societal and economic revolution.
Our panel of experts will discuss this societal and economic evolution:
- Josh Cohen, Managing Partner and Co-Founder of City Light Capital and Co-Founder of The ImPact, providing families with knowledge and networks, using data-driven insights to make more impact investments more effectively
- Michael Hokenson, Managing Partner of Community Investment Management, an impact investment firm that partners with marketplace lending platforms to provide loans to U.S. small businesses with the use of big data to aid in loan selection
Moderated by William Tickle, Partner, Senior Investment Advisor, and Director of Impact Investing at Ballentine Partners
- What types of data are investors looking for?
- What is the dynamic amongst investors around sharing information between investors?
- What are the concerns of CEOs and Entrepreneurs when it comes to sharing information regarding their use of big data?
- When you are thinking about investment opportunities, where are you seeing them?
- How do you find opportunities to invest in socially responsible investments?
Learn more about our Investment Approach and our thoughts on Social Impact Investing.